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Ball statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
148 533 187 88 64 109 83

21 2010-01-11 22:16:15 GS accepted 0.12 40M C++ 4.3.2
22 2010-06-06 22:24:38 anon accepted 0.13 2.7M C++ 4.3.2
23 2011-07-28 21:00:48 Xx100m accepted 0.15 2.8M C++ 4.3.2
24 2011-10-12 20:43:52 Aman Kumar accepted 0.15 2.8M C++ 4.3.2
25 2014-04-27 17:35:50 Daniel Gollahon accepted 0.15 78M C++ 4.3.2
26 2012-04-03 05:22:54 Wonderkid accepted 0.16 2.8M C++ 4.3.2
27 2015-01-11 08:49:31 Watson accepted 0.16 7.3M C++ 4.3.2
28 2011-07-17 20:48:45 xcoder accepted 0.20 2.8M C++ 4.3.2
29 2013-01-06 08:54:16 iostream accepted 0.21 87M C++ 4.3.2
30 2010-01-19 18:00:07 varun pahwa accepted 0.32 92M C++ 4.3.2